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Most Attacks are Not Going to be Obvious to You at First. 

August 20, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



1 Peter 5:8 New Living Translation

8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.


In the parable, we see the farmer go out and plant good seeds of wheat. Then in the middle of the night, his enemy comes and plants weeds right in there with his seed. It was not until the seed began to grow and mature that the harvesters started noticing this is not just wheat growing there is weeds growing in with the wheat. 

This is how good our enemy is. He is not usually going to attack us in a way that we can see the attack coming or predict it, and know how to handle it. He is going to attack us in a way that we do not see it coming to catch us off guard, so we will not know how to handle his attack. God knew this was the case and is why he told us in..

Why do we need to stay alert? So that we can see and recognize the attacks, because the attacks are coming and he wants to catch us off guard.

We also need to understand that everything that happens is not an attack from Satan. There is a difference between an attack from Satan, a trial from God, and a consequence to our actions.

Many Christians blame everything bad that happens in their life on the devil. That is not really accurate. We learn in scripture that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. We learn that God puts trials in our way to strengthen us, but Satan attacks to try to trip us up, and we learn that our actions have consequences.

So, everything that sucks in your life is not always the devil. Sometimes it is you dealing with your past, and sometimes the things that you feel suck is actually a good thing because God is trying to help you get stronger, but sometimes it is 100% your enemy coming to try to trip you up and take you down.

Which is another reason it is so important for us to Stay alert, watch out, and be led by the Spirit of God so that we can know when God is trying to strengthen us, when Satan is coming at us, and when what we are dealing with is simply life and consequences. but, understand most of his attacks he is trying to hide so you do not see them coming.


In your journal today write down what struggles you are facing right now. Is it a trial from God, an attack from the enemy or a consequence of poor decisions? How does identifying it help you face it?


Heavenly Father,

There is a real battle with our enemy, but You have already won the war! Thank You for giving us Your Word to fight the lies of the enemy. We ask You to give us the courage to fight back with Your truth this week.

 In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen!

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