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The G.O.A.T

July 29, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



Matthew 18:1-6 Amplified Bible

Rank in the Kingdom

18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 He called a little child and set him before them, 3 and said, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless you repent [that is, change your inner self—your old way of thinking, live changed lives] and become like children [trusting, humble, and forgiving], you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.4 Therefore, whoever [a]humbles himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 


Who is the Goat of the Kingdom of Heaven? Who is the greatest in the Kingdom?

In the United States, there is a lot of focus on being the goat. Ask any proud American the question, what is the greatest nation in the world? The answer with no hesitation. The great U.S of A! Reality is no, it is not… The greatest nation is the nation of Israel. 

What is the greatest state in the USA? Texas.. No brainer.

Greatest quarterback to ever play in the NFL?

Greatest basketball player of all time?

Greatest brand of Ice cream?

I think it is just in the human DNA to have this comparison inside of us and to want to be the best. 

Jesus had to deal with this very same issue with the disciples on many occasions because every one of them wanted to be the greatest disciple. I feel that on a personal level, there is this healthy competition inside of me to want to do more for Jesus than everyone else. 

The disciples come to Jesus to ask him a question. It is not just one disciple who comes to ask the question; it is the disciples together who come to ask Jesus a question.

This reminds me of siblings arguing. As children, when we fought with our brothers or sisters and knew for certain we were right, there was only one way to prove it! We had to go to Mom or Dad. We all ran to Mom and Dad, pleaded our case, and waited to hear that we were indeed in the right. The really funny part about that is that most of the time, nobody was right! We were all wrong.

Well, this is what is happening in this situation. Obviously, the disciples were having what was probably a super healthy discussion on who was the greatest, who was Jesus’s favorite, and which one of them was the most valuable. Peter is like I am the best leader out of us; Judas is like he trusts me with the money; Matthew is the smartest; Thomas is doubting everyone but himself; James and John, sons of thunder, want to fight to see who is the greatest. They run to Jesus to see who is right. Which one of them at this moment has the best chance of being greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven and come to find out they were all wrong. This week, we will unpack what it looks like to be the greatest in the Kingdom.


In your journal, write down a list of characteristics you think of when you hear the term Greatest of All Time.



 We’re grateful for Your endless love. We want to be known for the way we serve and love others. Please show us the needs around us so we can work to meet those needs together. We’re ready to serve You and Your people.

 In Jesus’ name, amen.

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