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 Divorce is Out of the Question

June 6, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



Matthew 19:8-9 New Living Translation

8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended.

9 And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.[a]”


When God established the covenant of Marriage He never intended divorce to be a thing. The goal was for a person to find their partner for life. Become 1 in body, mind, and spirit and never be separated again. The goal was never to get married and if it doesn't work just divorce them. Moses permitted Divorce in the old goal was for a person to find their partner for life. Become 1 in body, mind, and spirit and to never be separated again. The goal was never get married and if it doesn’t work just divorce them. Moses permitted Divorce in the old testament with the people of God, but Jesus said it was never God’s original intention. 

He intended us to be united… not divided. And yet here is the reality that we are living in. 

  • Every 42 Seconds someone gets a divorce that equates to 86 divorces per hour, 2,064 divorces per day, 14,448 divorces per week and 751,296 divorces per year.  

What a heart breaking reality. 

Divorce has absolutely plagued our society, and it is out of the will of God according to Jesus. It is the will of Satan to divide, and the will of God to bring together. 

Divorce has become so normal outside and inside church that we do not really view it as that big of a deal anymore. 

The bible says if your wife or your husband has not been unfaithful to you. You need to recognize that you made a covenant to God and to them to be faithful to them, and breaking that covenant is a huge deal. Big enough of a deal that Jesus said “If you divorce your spouse, and they have not been unfaithful to you and you get married again you are living in Adultery”. 

It is not always wrong  to get a divorce but that it is not God’s will. But divorce is a big deal! Even if according to scripture you feel justified in getting divorced then you should make sure your heart is right, and you have peace with God.

In scripture there are a couple reasons that divorce is acceptable, If your spouse is unfaithful to you and breaks their covenant to you, or if you are married and get saved and your spouse does not and wants to leave you because of your faith. Then both of those are reasons that you no longer have to be bound to each other. 

There are several reasons why people should take a break, separate, get out of a super unhealthy situation and get help but not get divorced. 

Here is what I have found to be true. If you are looking for a reason to leave, just know you are going to find one. So stop looking.

Stop telling each other you are going to get a divorce, cause if you continue then you will speak that right into existence. Just take that out of your vocabulary.

And for the record… Your marriage should come before everything but God. Before your job, before your friends, before your hobbies, before your children, even before your church. If you put your spouse before all of those things you will have a huge chance of being that 25% that stays married and is happy.


Read 2 Timothy 2:13. In your journal write down how God's example of faithfulness can help you find restoration in your relationships.



Thank You for always remaining faithful. We know that we can count on You to support us and walk with us through every high and low we face in life. Guide us in showing this faithfulness to others in the coming weeks. 

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Praying daily is one way of remaining faithful—to God and others. If you are married pray with your spouse.

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