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Encountering True Purpose
January 14, 2025
Hey Clawson Family!
“As he was approaching Damascus on this mission, a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him. … ‘I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting!’”(Acts 9:3, 5 NLT)
Jeremiah 29:11"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
Every human being has an innate desire for purpose. We long to know that our lives are more than just the day-to-day routines, that we are here for a reason. But for many, the path to discovering this purpose is unclear, leading to confusion, frustration, and a search for meaning in the wrong places.
In the scripture from Jeremiah, God reassures His people that He has a plan for each one of them—a plan that is meant to bring them prosperity, hope, and a future. While this message was originally given to the Israelites during a time of exile, it holds deep relevance for us today. We often struggle with questions like, What is my purpose? What am I meant to do with my life? These questions are not just philosophical; they touch the very essence of who we are as individuals.
True purpose is not something we can simply stumble upon or force to happen. It is something that is revealed through a relationship with God. As we seek Him and listen to His voice, He begins to unfold His plans for us. We are not left to figure it all out on our own. In fact, we are never truly alone in this journey. God’s plans for us are often much bigger than we can imagine, and they are tailored specifically to who we are—our gifts, passions, and unique personalities.
True purpose is not found in success, wealth, or status, but in knowing that we are fulfilling God's calling for our lives. As we walk in His will, we will experience fulfillment, peace, and joy—knowing that we are exactly where He wants us to be.
Saul (later known as Paul) thought he was fulfilling his life’s mission by hunting down Christians. Yet in one life-changing moment, Jesus interrupted his plans and revealed His true purpose for Paul’s life. When you meet Jesus in a personal way, He clarifies who you really are and why you’re here. Purpose is not something we create; it’s something God reveals. When He shows it to us, we find the joy and direction we’ve been missing.
Practical Steps to Encountering Your True Purpose:
Seek God’s PresenceSpend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to reveal His plan for you. Set aside distractions and allow His voice to become clearer in your life.
Recognize Your Gifts and TalentsOften, your purpose is closely tied to the talents and passions God has already given you. Take note of what excites you, what you're naturally good at, and how you can use those gifts for His glory.
Trust the ProcessPurpose is a journey, not an immediate destination. Trust that God is leading you step by step, even when the road seems uncertain.
Serve OthersSometimes, discovering your true purpose comes when you begin to serve others. By loving and serving those around you, God often reveals your calling in the most unexpected ways.
Stay Open to ChangeGod’s plans may not always look the way you expect. Be open to new opportunities and trust that He will guide you.
Lord, I thank You for the plans You have for my life. Help me to trust in Your timing and to walk boldly in the purpose You have set before me. Open my eyes like You did for Paul. Show me the purpose for which I was created. Help me trust Your plan over my own, and guide me into the calling You have for me. Open my eyes to see the gifts and passions You’ve placed within me, and help me to use them for Your glory. Guide me in every step of my journey, and may I always find my purpose in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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