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A Close Relationship with God

December 18, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



“Come near to God and he will come near to you.” — James 4:8 (NIV)


In a world filled with distractions, it’s easy to feel as though God’s presence is distant. Work deadlines, family commitments, and our constant digital connection can pull our attention in a thousand directions. Yet God’s promise remains steady and unwavering: if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. The Creator of the universe, the Author of salvation, offers a closeness that can permeate every aspect of our lives if we make space for Him.

Cultivating a close relationship with God isn’t about rigid religious rules or perfect spiritual performance. Instead, it’s about a posture of the heart that consistently returns to the One who knows and loves us best. Spending a few quiet moments each morning in prayer, taking time to read and meditate on Scripture before we rush into the day, and choosing to be honest and real with God about our fears and failures—these small but consistent steps draw us nearer to Him.

As we nurture this relationship, we begin to experience God’s nearness not only in formal times of worship but also in everyday life. We become more aware of His guidance as we make decisions. We feel His comfort more deeply in seasons of loss. We notice His correction more gently when we go astray. And we embrace His abundant joy in simple, ordinary moments. Over time, His presence shapes our character, refines our attitudes, and emboldens our faith.

Relationships require effort and consistency. God is always ready to draw near, but He calls us to take the first step. Spend time today in prayer or worship, and let your heart be open to His presence.


In your journal, write down some of God’s promise in the Bible that give you comfort or motivation. Write about your struggles and how your are seeking God’s guidance. Be honest and open about challenges you face in your relationship with God.


Choose a consistent time this week—perhaps early in the morning or right before bed—to meet with God. Even if it’s just for five or ten minutes, set aside your devices and distractions. Let this protected time become a sacred space, and watch as your intimacy with the Lord deepens one day at a time.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the promise that when I seek You, You respond by drawing near. Help me to be intentional in carving out time and space to be with You—whether through prayer, Scripture, quiet reflection, or heartfelt worship. Teach me to recognize Your voice and presence, and empower me by Your Spirit to live each day intimately connected to You. I long to know You more and love You with all that we are. Teach me to seek You daily and experience Your guidance in every step of my life.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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