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A Separation is Coming

August 13, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



Luke 12:53 NLT

‘Father will be divided against son

    and son against father;

mother against daughter

    and daughter against mother;

and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law

    and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.’[e]”


A separation is coming to literally every single human being to walk the face of the earth. There are three things pretty  amazing about this group of parables about the end time separation of that which is good and that which is evil. 

First, it’s amazing to consider how good and perfect how sinless, deathless, painless, that this world started out. Genesis says that God created the world and He looked at it and said it is good. It was created to be good. If God would have had his will in this it would have stayed Good, and sinless, and perfect.

Second, look at what the world has become. Evil has invaded the world that God created.The bible reveals that wheat and weeds will have to live among each other, the good and the bad, the wise and the foolish, those belonging to God and those belonging to the devil will have to live with each other for now. That is pretty amazing and difficult to understand. 

Third, a separation of good and evil is coming. God will come back and take those that are good and wise. He will take those that are His and they will get to live in a perfect place with him where we will not have to deal with evil again. But He will take those that are evil and cast them into outer darkness where there is no good.

God did not give us that responsibility of the separation of the Kingdom because we could never get that right could we. Although so many people think that they have it right. If you don’t do it our way you’re not going to heaven, if you don’t baptize this way, you’re not going to heaven, if you don’t believe our doctrine your not going to heaven. As humans, we are clueless and there is a reason that nowhere in the bible does it say that God will send His people to separate people because we are incapable of getting this right.

Think about it. Which one of us would have ever allowed a thief on a cross,  a tax collector named Zacchaeus,  a prostitute named Mary, or an adulterous woman to be separated with those who are good, the wise, and His.

Which one of us, knowing in advance like Jesus would have given Judas a chance or Peter a second chance. If we were the ones with the job of separating the good from the evil, we would have surely cast them aside with the weeds. And on the flip side, we probably would have allowed some of the enemy to come into the Kingdom cause they deceived us. 

But we see from the scriptures that God, who is good, who knows the heart of people will send for his angels to separate the righteous from the unrighteous. We have a number of examples of what this will be like on a much smaller scale.

With the great flood God separated good from Evil, those that were good got on the Ark, and those who were evil were killed. With the people of Israel, Moses said to those with Kora get away from these evil men, and those who stayed with Kora and did not listen, the ground opened up and swallowed them. We see it again with the rich man and Lazarus, One went to eternal life and the other eternal damnation. We see it on the cross: one thief, Jesus tells him will enter the kingdom with him, and the other was separated.

There will be a great separation, and good will reign, and evil will be done away with forever.

In luke 12 Jesus is talking about the separation between evil and good that is coming on the earth and he said in verse 53.



Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (NIV).

A separation is coming. What is Jesus asking you to separate from and release to Him today? 

Take the next few moments to write out a prayer. Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment. Seek His will for what you need to keep enduring as well as what commitments, obligations or relationships you may need to separate from.


Heavenly Father, 

I want to honor You with the choices I make and the way I live my life. Please help me to discern what You have for me as I seek to follow You. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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