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Authority is Given not Learned

July 25, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!




Matthew 10:1 New Living Translation

10 Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them authority to cast out evil[a]spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness.

Matthew 10:8 New Living Translation

8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!


I had a word given to me probably five years ago on authority that God had given me, and I spent the next two years asking the question: How do I learn to use the authority that God has extended to me because I don’t know how? After maturing a little in my understanding I began to understand, in the spiritual realm you don’t learn your authority or how to use it. It is not like a wizard learning how to use spells. God has given you the authority to do whatever he tells you to do.

So, the scripture above says that Jesus extended his authority to his disciples to do two things: heal the sick and cast out demons. Then, in verse 8, you know what he told them to do: heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received. 

He did not give them All authority to be like God on the earth or become more powerful. He gave them the authority to do what he was asking them to do. So, we don’t learn how to use our Authority.

We learn to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is leading me and telling me to do something, then God is giving me the authority to do the work he has called me to do. This is why I talk so much about following the direction of the Holy Spirit and being empowered by the Holy Spirit.


Walk with Jesus in great spiritual authority. He has shared it with you. You are in position to exercise this authority. But, will you activate it? He is waiting on your next move. Please write in your journal how you feel the Holy Spirit is directing and empowering you to do what he has called you to do.



 Thank You for reminding me of who I am in You and what I possess the power to do. You have equipped me to overcome the works of the enemy and boldly lay hold of every promise, every blessing, everything You have preordained for me. In times when my courage and confidence take a hit because of the adversity I see, please remind me that I have Exousia, authority given to me by God, to walk in victory every day and in each situation, and overcome  all the works of the enemy!

 In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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