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Choosing Obedience, Choosing Life
January 15, 2025
Hey Clawson Family
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. … Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”(Deuteronomy 30:19 NLT)
The choices we make each day shape the course of our lives. Some decisions are trivial, like what to eat or wear, while others have profound spiritual implications. In Deuteronomy 30, Moses challenges the Israelites to choose obedience to God as the path to life and blessings. This timeless challenge applies to us today.
Obedience to God is not always easy. It may require surrendering our own desires, stepping into the unknown, or standing firm in the face of opposition. Yet, obedience is not about restriction; it’s about freedom. When we align ourselves with God’s will, we walk in the abundance He has planned for us.
Jesus reinforced this principle when He said, “If you love me, keep my commands” (John 14:15). Obedience flows from a heart that loves God, trusts His promises, and desires His presence. When we choose obedience, we choose to dwell in the life-giving relationship God offers—a life filled with peace, joy, and purpose.
Choosing obedience doesn’t mean we’ll never face difficulties, but it does mean we’ll never walk alone. God promises to go with us, guiding us with His Word and empowering us through His Spirit. Every act of obedience deepens our faith, strengthens our witness, and reflects the love of Christ to the world.
God lays out a beautiful but challenging truth: our decisions lead to blessing or to difficulty. When we choose to obey, we experience His covering and peace; when we choose to go our own way, we often face the consequences of disobedience. This principle is echoed by Jesus, who calls us to remain faithful to His teachings (John 8:31). As you learn to align with Jesus’s words—even when it costs you comfort—you invite God’s life and blessing into your daily experience.
Answer these questions in your journal
1. Are there areas in your life where you’ve hesitated to fully obey God?
2. How can you trust God’s promises as you choose obedience today?
3. What blessings have you experienced when you’ve stepped out in faith and obeyed Him?
This week, identify one area in your life where God is calling you to greater obedience. Take one practical step in faith to align your actions with His will. Trust Him for the strength and grace to follow through.
Father, thank You for setting before me the path of life through Your Word. Help me to choose obedience, even when it’s hard or uncomfortable. Remind me that Your commands are for my good and Your glory. Strengthen my heart to trust You fully, knowing that in choosing You, I am choosing life. Forgive me for times I’ve chosen my own path over Yours. Help me today to choose life by obeying Your Word. Show me the areas where I can submit more fully, and grant me the grace to walk in Your blessing.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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