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February 21, 2024
Hey Clawson Family,
Proverbs 12:1
”To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.“
Proverbs 13:18
If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace; if you accept correction, you will be honored.
Do you lack discipline in handling your finances?
Disciple is not a word we like that much. It almost contradicts fun. We think of it as a punishment. But without discipline, chaos and destruction would rule our lives.
Instead of looking at disciple as correction to disobedience, replace it with this definition.
Disciple: to train oneself to do something with self control and consistency.
We all need to train ourselves , especially with our finances.
When you have discipline to follow God’s financial principles, you worry a lot less about creditors calling you for bills you can’t pay. Instead, you’re putting money aside for emergencies and investing for the future. You can’t put a price tag on the peace of mind that comes from that.
Discipline can also be seen as restrictive, that it limits our ability to do what we want. That kind of thinking also makes self-discipline so difficult. Given a choice, we’d rather not limit ourselves.
We have to train and discipline ourselves to live on a budget, to save, and be generous, and follow God’s path to prosperity. We don’t want to do those things naturally. We’d rather spend our money on whatever we want, whenever we want.
But if we can conquer self-discipline we will begin to see that it doesn’t really limit our options. Practicing self-discipline actually adds to your choices, to your freedom! When you're not in your debut and you have money in the bank you can buy things without guilt, shame and regret. Saving and investing require discipline. As we acquire wealth, we also acquire more freedom! We will begin live an appropriate, comfortable lifestyle, and to serve God more fully. That’s true freedom, and it only comes from discipline.
In your prayer journal write down the excuses you have given yourself to avoid discipline in your life? Ask God to give you the strength to have self control, accountability and consistency.
Replace your negative thoughts on disciple with biblical wisdom. Begin to transform your mind with the word of God. Set one goal for yourself on allow your discipline to grow. Gradually add more goals when you hit your previous ones!
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