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Feedback from the Future
May 27, 2024
Hey Clawson Family!
Philippians 4:8 New Living Translation
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
James 1:5 New Living Translation
5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.
This week will we will be looking at the responses of 2 questions that our youth ministry were asked.
What are areas that you see your parents struggling, that you feel need to be addressed? Biblically
What are questions that you would like answered or things you feel your parents need to hear from their pastor?
Being raised in a Christian home is challenging. Being a kid in any home is challenging, but being a kid in a christian home has it’s own challenges.
Some of the challenges faced when growing up in a christian home are Legalistic traditional people. As a child in a Christian home lots of times parents won’t let you do the things other kids are doing, or watch things other kids are watching, so that is challenging because you feel like you are out of the loop. And Parents I am not saying that is wrong, but we just want to acknowledged that is a challenge our kids are dealing with.
How about the challenge of learning how to have a relationship with God. They see how much their parents loved God, hear stories of the things that God has done, but maybe they don’t have their own stories yet. It can make a part of them question and even doubt.
One of the biggest challenge can be feeling like they can’t be themselves, their personality and interests don’t cut it in the christian world. Maybe they don’t fit into the mold of this cookie cutter Christianity that we do not even see in the bible… it can make them struggle to even have any interest in being a Christian at all.
Parents can I ask you for those of you raised in a Christian or a professing Christian home. Did you struggle with some challenges of being a kid in a Christian home?
Let’s have grace and mercy as they are nagivating through these things. Try to remember you were a kid once too! Be the adult/parent/mentor you wished you had to help you!
As our kids grow, our job is to fearlessly transition our parenting from protecting to preparing our kids and trusting them to God. And He’s given us the ability to do that because of His power in each of us.
In your journal today write down a parenting fear that holds you back.
What’s one step you can take today to move from fearful to fearless parenting?
When was the last time you asked God for wisdom and discernment? Take a moment today to pray that God will guide you and your children.
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