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Giving Is Who We Are
January 10, 2025
Hey Clawson Family
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
— 2 Corinthians 9:7
Luke 6:38 (NLT) - “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap.”
As believers, giving is not just something we do; it’s a reflection of who we are in Christ. We serve a God who gave everything—His only Son—for our salvation. This act of love sets the ultimate example of generosity, reminding us that giving flows naturally from a heart transformed by grace.
When we give, it’s not simply an act of obligation or duty. True giving is rooted in love, gratitude, and the joy of partnering with God’s purposes. Whether it’s our time, resources, or encouragement, giving reflects the character of Christ within us. It demonstrates our trust in God’s provision and our desire to be a blessing to others, just as He has blessed us.
Giving is at the heart of who we are as believers. God gave His only Son for us, and as His followers, we reflect His generosity. At Clawson, giving is not just about tithes or offerings—it’s a lifestyle of selflessness and trust in God’s provision.
This year, challenge yourself to grow in giving. Give with joy and faith, whether it’s time, resources, or talents. God honors a cheerful giver and uses our generosity to bless others and expand His Kingdom.
In your journal, Take a moment to reflect on your motives for giving. Are you giving out of obligation or love? Ask God to align your heart with His.
1. Start Small: If giving feels overwhelming, start with simple acts of kindness. A meal for someone in need, a word of encouragement, or helping a neighbor are meaningful ways to practice generosity.
2. Commit to Growth: Look for ways to make giving a part of your lifestyle. Set aside a portion of your income to give to your church or charitable causes.
3. Celebrate God’s Faithfulness: Remember that giving is an opportunity to trust in God’s ability to provide. Celebrate how He has been faithful in your life and share that testimony with others.
Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the ultimate gift in Jesus Christ. Thank You for giving so generously to us. Help us to give with open hearts and trust in Your provision. Use our gifts to further Your Kingdom and bless others. Help us to be cheerful and generous givers who reflect Your love to the world. Transform our hearts to be more like Yours, so that we may give freely and joyfully. Teach us to trust in Your provision as we give, and use our offerings to bring glory to Your name. Amen.
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