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Hard Work

February 20, 2024

Hey Clawson Family,

It's going to be a wonderful day! Let's get our quiet time in this morning!



Proverbs 10:4 NLT 

Lazy people are soon poor;

    hard workers get rich.

Proverbs 13:4 NLT 

Lazy people want much but get little,

    but those who work hard will prosper.

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬

”Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.“


In pastor Josh sermon this weekend he told us the the path to prosperity has patterns of hard work, discipline, stewardship, giving and saving. 

We looked at stewardship yesterday and acknowledged that we are just the managers. 

For the next 4 days we are going to tackle the other 4 patterns. Our goal is to help you implement each one in your life so that you can begin to travel the path of prosperity and financial freedom!

Maybe you’re like me and have been lazy a time (or twenty) in your life, you have worn that procrastination hat a little too long?

Maybe today’s verse will put our feet to the fire. Allow us to self-reflect. Ask yourself , “Is laziness a regular pattern in my life instead of hard work?”

 You will never reach success or any goal you set for yourself if you let laziness take over your fight to work.

No one is just going to hand your success to you. But understand that if you work hard even through the troubles, if you keep on praying and stay confident in God’s promise, you will get to the finish line.

Failure isn’t real. Failure is just a temporary set back.  Failure is simply a door that didn’t open. It’s time for you to get up and try the next door.  It’s time for you to stand up and put in 100%. It’s time to WORK HARDER! 

You can absolutely fight through this set back and make it to the next level. Every single day make up your mind that you will fight for what God has intended for you. The enemy isn’t allowed to take your blessing. Your haters aren’t allowed to take your blessing. Your fears aren’t allowed to take your blessing.

Work hard, give it all you’ve got and reach for the life God intended for you. He has given you gifts and talents to succeed! Grow them!   


In your prayer journal write done one thing can you do to be a better worker, whatever work looks like in your life.


God has called us to be  good stewards of all the resources He has given us. You have gifts and talents. Begin to develop your raw talent. Take advantage of your opportunities. Hone your skills. Foster good habits and right attitudes. WORK HARD

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