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He Has Given All of Us Different Amounts to Steward According to Our Abilities
August 6, 2024
Hey Clawson Family!
Matthew 25:15 New Living Translation
15 He gave five bags of silver[a] to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last—dividing it in proportion to their abilities. He then left on his trip.
Have you ever struggled with the thought process that you are the servant that was only given one bag of silver? You feel that God didn’t give you too much and you don’t know how you would even be valuable to his Kingdom? I want to give you some encouragement today.
When I gave my life to Jesus. I was 19 years old. I could not read. I could not preach. I was broke. I had almost no leadership qualities whatsoever. I had no education in the bible except what was taught to me by my parents as a child. I was the servant with one bag when I got saved.
But you know what I did have. I had a super fun personality. I had a lot of crazy creative ideas. I had a work ethic that was out of this world. I had a passion for Jesus that was not about to be contained because He just proved himself to me, changed my life, and set me free.
I took my one bag and I said I am not educated enough to preach, but I can have fun with some kids. I can show them what it means to have a transformed life. In 2005 I became the assistant children's church leader. Probably one of the most fun times in my life. My job was to lead the games and have fun with the kids. Then it went from leading games to skits, then bible lessons. God was using me in Children's ministry. I was faithful with what he had given me and began to multiply it.
God eventually opened an opportunity for me to do Jr High. When I preached my first message I thought to myself, this is never going to work. For about 5 years my average message was about 12-14 minutes long, because I didn’t know how to write a message. I had a very limited memory. God stretched me and I multiplied my talents.
Then I moved into the High School Ministry, next a senior pastor of a church. Now, I pastor what could possibly be the most incredible church on the planet. Sometimes I sit and wonder, how did that happen? But the answer is because I took my one bag of gifts, talents, money, and resources, and multiplied it, and did it again, and again. Now God is using me in ways that 20 years ago I would have laughed and said that is impossible.
Don’t get caught up in what you don’t have. We are all given different amounts according to our abilities. Begin to use and multiply what you do have!
In your journal answer the following questions. How are you stewarding your God-given resources? Are you taking steps to multiply them for the Kingdom, or are you hiding them away?
Today, consider how you can sow into God's Kingdom with the resources He's given you, and trust Him to bring the increase.
Let’s pray:
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the principle of multiplication shown in the Parable of the Talents. I pray for wisdom to invest my resources in a way that they multiply for Your Kingdom. Teach me to sow generously into the lives of others, knowing that whatever I sow, I will reap. Help me to trust in Your promise to provide and increase when I use my resources for Your glory.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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