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Healthy Eating
February 14, 2024
Hey Clawson Family,
Time to get up and spend time with Jesus.
3 John 2
2 Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.
Genesis 1:29
29 Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.
Brian this weekend shared his testimony of his unhealthy relationship with food. The truth is that an unhealthy relationship with food can be the lure he uses to draw us away from God. Satan wants to lead us into a place where we feel self-control isn’t possible. He’s not picky about the method, just the result.
From Psalms 23, below is a list of all the things the Lord does for us:
He leads me.
He restores me.
He guides me.
He is with me.
He comforts me.
He fills me.
He satisfies me.
As you read over that list, ask yourself these questions: Do I rely on the Lord in these ways, or do I rely on food in these ways? Do I honestly turn to God or turn to food? Do I seek to be comforted, filled and satisfied with God in the depths of my soul, or do I seek food?
Being ruled by anything other than God is something He takes quite seriously. But we also serve a compassionate God — a God who knew food would be a major stumbling block keeping many. So He’s given us the Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Bible to help us.
Here’s a list of action items:
- Start and finish your day with Bible reading.
- Pray before you eat — even snacks.
- Listen to that spiritual “gut check” when you’re about to eat something.
- Choose the healthy option.
- Stop before you’re overly full.
- Stay on a slower eating pace while enjoying conversation with others.
Pursuing health helps your heart feel more settled and ready to receive what Jesus wants for you each day.
Take a moment to reflect in your journal on your eating habits. How many times do you eat out per week? What do you eat in an average meal? What is your most common snack?
What’s one healthy nutritional change you can make this week to give yourself more energy for your God-given tasks?
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