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Heavenly Authority

July 24, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



John 5:19 New Living Translation

19 So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.


You have a heavenly authority while on earth. That scripture told us whatever you bind on earth is bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven.

Now, I don’t want us to get confused here. I believe if Jesus is not leading us to do something, He has not given us the authority to do it. We don’t get to just run around acting as though we are God. Naming and claiming whatever we want. That is not what I mean when I say we have a heavenly authority on the earth. What this is talking about is not us having authority on our own. But we are forming a partnership with Jesus where, as he leads us, he extends His authority to the earth through us. You only have the authority to do what the Father has given you.

We can do nothing by ourselves, but if the Father has given us the task, He is giving us the authority and access to complete it.

If I told my son, Aydin, I want you to go over to the church and get some ice out of the ice machine and bring it to the house, and Aydin went to the church and the door was locked, then I told him what I wanted him to do, but I did not equip him to be able to do it. If I said Aydin, I want you to get ice from the church and bring it home. This key will get you into the building and give him the code for the kitchen door. Now, I have told him what to do and given him the keys he needs to gain access and complete the task, and he is equipped to do the task I have for him to do.

So, what does this look like in a spiritual sense? Not too long ago, in our church service, a word was given that had something to do with heaviness and burdens in the room. I felt like the Lord was saying I want you to break that Heaviness off of them and have them give me those heavy burdens. 

I felt like God gave me a task from a word that he gave, and if he gives me a task, then he is also giving me the power and authority… The keys to get the task done. I began to bind up that heaviness and then I began to loosen peace, encouragement, and rest, and as those things were loosened in the room that atmosphere changed. You could feel it in the culture of the room. God had done a work and he did it through us.

He gave you a word that resonated. He then assigned me a task based on the word, and he gave me the keys and authority to see the work done. 


How do you feel about submitting to authority, and how do you respond to the truth that you have authority in the Kingdom of God? Write your answers in your journal.


Jesus, thank you for giving me authority in your Kingdom. I submit to you and ask that you would bring your power to the world through me. 

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