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I'm just the manager
February 19, 2024
Hey Clawson Family,
Time for your devotional! Have a great quiet time with the Lord!
Psalms 24:1
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to him.
If you want to experience true financial freedom the first thing that you need to do is shift your mindset on possessions. Everything you have belongs to God. You are just a manager!
EVERYTHING is the Lord’s. Our time, our influence, our health, our relationships, our opportunities, our possessions, our wealth. We are just managers of these things. God calls you to be a GOOD steward or manager of everything you have.
You may say, “But wait a minute! I worked for my money, and now you want to tell me it isn’t mine?” Where do you think you got your body to work for your money? Where do you think you got your mind to work for it? Where do you think you got the opportunity to get that job? Everything you have is a gift from God. You don’t really own anything in life; it’s all on loan.
You only get to use God’s money while you’re here on Earth. He loaned it to somebody before you, and he’s going to loan it to somebody else after you die. When you think your money is yours, you worry about it. You feel a pressure and stress that you weren’t meant to have.
Money management is a spiritual discipline. God is actually watching how you handle his money to see what spiritual riches he can trust you with in heaven. This might make you feel pressure, but there is actually freedom when you realize that you aren’t the owner.
When you remember that God is the owner and you are the manager, you’ll worry a whole lot less and focus more on managing God’s money well.
Everything we have belongs to God. Write down in your journal ways that you can make the transition from an “owner” mindset to that of a “manager”?
Spend some time this week talking to God about your financial vision. Make sure your vision aligns with His. Write down short term and long term goals. If married, do this together.
Extra Reading:
Proverbs 16:3; 21:5, 20; 22:7; 25:28; 28:20; Matthew 6:31-34; Romans 13:8; 1 Timothy 6:10; John 4:34.
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