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Identifying Your Idol

December 5, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



“Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling blocks before their faces. Should I let them inquire of me at all?” — Ezekiel 14:3


 Ezekiel reveals a sobering truth: idols can reside in our hearts. They are anything or anyone we prioritize over God, subtly taking His rightful place. These idols may not always be obvious; they could look like a noble ambition, a cherished relationship, or even a self-imposed expectation.

So how do we identify our idols?

  1. Examine Your Time and Energy:Where do you invest most of your time, energy, and resources? If you’re honest, do these pursuits glorify God, or are they primarily self-serving?

  2. Assess Your Emotions:What controls your joy or frustration? If something other than God dictates your emotional well-being, it might be an idol. For example, do you feel lost without your phone or devastated by a career setback?

  3. Listen to Your Prayers:What are you asking God for? Are your prayers centered on His will or on your desires? Sometimes, we can turn even our prayer requests into idols when they become our ultimate focus.

  4. Consider What You Fear Losing:What’s the one thing you believe you cannot live without? Anything that holds that power in your life could be an idol.


Spend some time in prayer asking God to reveal any idols in your life. Write them down, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Acknowledge them before the Lord and surrender them at His feet.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you:

1. Recognize the Idol: Pray for discernment to see what has taken priority over God.

2. Repent of the Idol: Confess your misplaced worship and ask for forgiveness.

3. Replace the Idol: Replace it with a renewed commitment to seek God first.


Heavenly Father,

 I come before You with a humble heart. Show me any idols I have set up in my life, knowingly or unknowingly. Forgive me for placing anything or anyone above You. Help me to realign my heart so that You alone are my source of purpose, security, and joy. Teach me to seek You first and to trust You completely in every area of my life. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Spend the week fasting from one potential idol—whether it’s social media, shopping, or even certain relationships. Use that time to focus on God and allow Him to renew your heart and priorities.

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