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Pick the Right Side
August 14, 2024
Hey Clawson Family!
Joel 3:14 New Living Translation
14 Thousands upon thousands are waiting in the valley of decision. There the day of the Lord will soon arrive.
Matthew 7:21-23 New Living Translation
21 “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. 22 On judgment day (Separation day) many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ 23 But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’
We have a decision to make. We need to pick the right side. Choose to be wise, to be good, righteous, sheep. There are millions of people in the valley of decision right now.
I am not 100% sure about the time frame that Joel is talking about when he gives this prophetic word, but what I am 100% sure of is that this scripture may be more relevant today then I have ever seen it before.
There are so many close to making a decision to follow Jesus, giving him everything. Making a decision to give their lives to Christ. And If that is where you are at I am not judging you, I am encouraging you. I have seen God working and tugging on hearts, but people just are not ready to commit. They understand and know what that means to follow him and they don’t feel like they are ready.
I have had people say to me, “Pastor I know I need to get my life right, I know I need to make that decision and I am going to, but there are just some things that I need to do first. There are some things that I want to experience first. There are some things that I am not quiet ready to give up yet.”
Joel would have said they are in the valley of decision.
The issue here is that by not making that decision you are making a decision. By not making the decision to follow Jesus, you are making the decision to not be His. You are making the decision to not be wise, to not be good, and to not be sheep. So, if you believe in Jesus and you know you need to make this decision, then before it is too late…. Pick the right side.
There are also many people that think they are good but they have no idea they are not.
Your relationship with God has nothing to do with works, doctrine, or rules. Your relationship with God has everything to do with knowing Jesus and following Jesus and his teachings. So many people think because they believe in Jesus that they are going to go to heaven but they have not repented of their sin and surrendered themselves to Jesus. They are not following Jesus. Most importantly they don’t know Jesus. He says on Judgement day he will tell them to get away from me because I don’t know you.
Pick the right side, make the decision to follow Jesus, get to know him and allow him to lead and guide your life.
David says in Psalm 34 we should taste and see that the Lord is good (verse 8). In your journal share any experiences or highlights in your faith journey where you personally have tasted and seen God’s goodness. How does God’s goodness help you to choose the right side?
God is so good because not only does he save us and deliver us, but he also puts us on mission. We partner with Him in bringing about His Kingdom, so what’s on your Kingdom Bucket List? What are you dreaming about accomplishing for God’s Kingdom this year? Write them down and begin to put actions in place to achieve them.
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