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Provide What Your Family Needs

June 19, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



1 Timothy 5:8 New Living Translation

8 But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.

Ephesians 6:4 New Living Translation

4 Fathers,[a] do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.


Dads, There are a lot of things that your family needs you to provide for them. The weight of this can sometimes be overwhelming. But our families need us to step up and provide. They need us to provide financially.

If it is not getting done, it is up to us always to step up and be led by God to what door we need to step into to provide. Dads, if your family is struggling financially and you are sitting at home playing games or chilling, let today be the day to step up and begin to provide. 

Finances are just a piece of what our families need us to provide. Secondly… They need us to provide love. Our kids should never have to wonder if we love them. There should be love oozing out of us for our kids, just like Christ for his bride. You should tell your kids you love them until they are sick of it, and then some. You should show your kids that you love them through your actions. By being selfless and putting them before yourself. That is how Jesus tells and shows us how to prove our love. 

Third, we should provide discipline and instruction 

Our kids need our instruction on everything: what the Bible teaches, how to handle money, what the Bible has to say about sex and purity, and why those things are important for us to talk about.

Our kids need emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental guidance. We have to actually have conversations with our kids. There was a study done by a Barna group a few years back on 1000 dads, and out of those 1000 dads, they found the average dad spends less than 2 mins a day with their children. Our children need us to provide guidance to them. We have to be the providers by providing financial support, love, guidance, and instruction to our kids.  


In your journal today, write your biggest challenge in providing for your family. Financially, love, discipline or instruction. Why do you think that is?   What next steps can you take to help you be the provider you need to be?


Are you providing a Godly example that points them to Jesus? Fathers, be sure that you’re saved and that you’re honoring Christ in your daily life. That’s the only way to provide properly for your family.

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