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February 23, 2024
Hey Clawson Family,
Proverbs 21:20 NLT
20 The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get.
Saving is one way that God tests you in your finances, to see if you will be responsible with what he’s given you. If you’re saving for the future right now, that’s smart. If you’re not saving anything, that’s just foolish. God wants you to tithe, and then he wants you to save for the future.
You may think you can’t live on that, how do I tithe, save and give!! Honestly you can it just means you are living beyond your means. You’re not managing your money well. You are spending more than you actually have. Remember, this is a test. Do you want God to find you faithful with your money?
This exact opposite of what our culture teaches. Culture says to pay all your bills first—but then you don’t have any money for saving and tithing. God says, “Pay me first, then pay yourself second (savings), and then pay your bills after that.” That is the order God blesses.
If you’re not saving anything, you have a “live for today” mentality. This is where you think, “I’ve got it now, so I’ll spend it now. Forget about tomorrow!”
God doesn’t just want you to think about tomorrow. He wants you to plan for tomorrow so that you have enough to do the things he wants you to do. It’s smart to put off a purchase today that will better allow you to live your purpose tomorrow.
And you can do it! Saving is a spiritual discipline, and God will give you all the grace you need to take the hard steps.
Don’t live just for today. Learn to do whatever it takes to be able to save some of your money for the future. This is God’s way of doing things. When you ignore God’s principles, you’re asking for financial stress.
When you do it God’s way, it always works.
In your journal today write down what keeps you from being able to save part of your income. Ask God to give you the faith and the self control to be a to save.
Today is the day you begin to put all 5 together to begin our path to prosperity. Take one step to begin to work hard, have discipline, have better stewardship, give and save.
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