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Stay Committed
February 16, 2024
Hey Clawson Family,
Proverbs 3:7 NLT
Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
We are going to stay committed to our physical health. That means we are saying no to excuses and negative influences in our lifes!
Just as living for Jesus requires sacrifice, so does a living healthy life (for Jesus). Excuses will happen, so let’s be prepared for them! Here are some easy things to help fight off excuses.
#1) Workout first thing in the morning.
#2) Get up earlier in the morning. Sometimes those ten minutes can add hours later to your day!
#3) Workout with a friend. Accountability is key.
#4) Schedule workouts.
Have a plan for excuses!
We are also saying no to negativity in our lives! There will always be people who will try to derail your love for Jesus and your goal to be fit and healthy.
How will you remain strong and committed?
#1) Remain strong in Christ. Start each day with asking him to help you in spite of the people who want you to give up.
#2) Listen to God, not the naysayers. Jesus has truth for you to hear and believe.
#3) Stay the course. There is a reason why life is sometimes referred to as a battle - because it is.
Everyday we need to keep the faith. Remember your goals and stay the course!
No excuses. No negativity. Decide. Commit. Keep the faith!
Write out some excuses that you tell yourself as to why you can’t stay physically healthy! Combat them with scripture and truth. Recognize them and learn to combat them.
Set boundaries with the negativity in your life. Don’t allow people to influence you in a negative way! Find people in your life who have the same goals as you and hold each other accountable.
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