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Submit your life to Christ

June 18, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



Joshua 24:15 New Living Translation

15 But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”


If a child gives their life to Jesus and the rest of the family is not christian there is a 3.5% that the family is going to follow suit and submit their lives to Christ. If a mom gets saved, that number jumps to a 17% chance that the rest of the family is going to follow her lead and submit their lives to Jesus. But If a husband gets saved there is a 93% chance that the family is going to follow the lead of the husband. That is the type of influence that fathers have on the home


In the book of Joshua we see the nation of Israel in turmoil. Some of Israel were following God, and some were not. Joshua was the leader at that time of Israel and he’s makes the famous statement “But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” 

That is what it looks like to lead your home by example. And that’s exactly what happened, Joshua and his family served the Lord. Because Joshua led them. Dads that is the Kind of Influence you have in your home. So, it is so important that you use that influence to lead your home the way God intended you to.

Today I ask the question: How am I doing, submitting my life to Jesus?  Dads, how are you doing standing up like Joshua and leading your families on what is the most important thing in their lives?

What does it look like to Submit your life and your Leadership in the family over to Christ? The answer is pretty simple. Instead of trying to lead ourselves we have to allow Christ to lead our home through us. 

In order to be a Spiritual leader you have to let God lead. Allow God to use you to lead as he guides you.

Under this thought process of submitting our life to Christ, a Father and spiritual leader of the home  should be leading the family in repenting and asking forgiveness  when they mess up. We have seen this to be a huge challenge in the family because of pride. Fathers don’t want their families to see them mess up. The thing is our families do see us mess up and what they need to see is how we fix it,. That is a part of continuing to submit to Christ, continual repentance and forgiveness. 

The more that we serve Christ. The more of a servant and humble leader we become and the less of Tyrant or dictator. We go from I am the man of this house and you are going to do it that way because I said so… To serving and being humble. Then our families will want to follow us. 

So, the first step in being the spiritual leaders of our homes is submitting our lives to Christ, and allowing him to lead us. Growing in humility, and servanthood as we repent and forgive. 


In your journal write down the steps you can take to submit your life to Christ. What are things you need to stop controlling and allow God to lead and guide you instead?


Decide today to submit your life to Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to embolden you with His presence daily

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