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True Repentance is a Changed Mind that Leads to Changed Behavior

July 12, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



Luke 11:52 New Living Translation


52 “What sorrow awaits you experts in religious law! For you remove the key to knowledge from the people. You don’t enter the Kingdom yourselves, and you prevent others from entering.”


Repentance is a changed mind that leads to a change in behavior. It’s a change in action, a behavior change, and, more specifically, a change in your life's trajectory. Your whole direction of life changes. Here’s the thing: when God changes your mind, changed behavior will always follow!  Always. A God-changed mind: when God breaks your heart for what breaks His, it will cause a change in your lifestyle and your behavior. And if it doesn't, guess what you have? A superficial, I’m sorry.  It's not repentance. 


My behavior has to change. I must stop, turn in the other direction, and never look back. 


So, let's talk practically. What does that need to look like in your life? What does that change need to look like? Because every single one of you has at least one thing, most of us have like 50 that we need to physically and mentally turn from and go the opposite direction.


Some of us are struggling in our minds. Maybe after the family goes to bed, you find yourself watching things you shouldn't watch. Repent, change your mind and your behavior. Get an accountability partner. Put restrictions on your phone and electronics. Take action! I'm going in the other direction.


Maybe you're in a relationship that is enabling you and causing you to make choices that break God's heart, and you know it!? You get on the phone today and say, It's over! And you date God for a year. Repent, immediate obedience to the changed mind, to the changed heart. 


For some of you, you need to call your doctor today and say, Do not ever prescribe this pill to me ever again because I cannot stop taking it. 


Some of you need to confess your sins. You need to say no and take action in the other direction. If there's no changed behavior, you are closing the door to the Kingdom of Heaven in your life. 


Also, You need to understand you are leading those who follow you to a closed door.

What you need to understand today is someone following after you: your children, spouse, friends, family members, and co-workers. There are people in your life, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, who are influenced by your life choices. The question today would be, am I leading them to the keys of the Kingdom, or am I preventing them from entering? Am I leading them down a path where the mysteries of the Kingdom will be revealed to them, or am I leading them astray where it will be concealed? 


A divinely changed mind will always result in a changed direction. Write in your journal how you have seen the truth of that statement in your life


What sin do you need to repent of immediately? What will be your first step to change your heart?

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