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What You Feed Grows
January 28, 2025
Hey Clawson Family!
For you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn’t that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature?” — 1 Corinthians 3:3 (NLT)
“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” – Galatians 6:7 (ESV)
In life, whatever you feed will grow. This principle applies to every area—spiritual, emotional, physical, and relational. Just as a garden thrives when watered and cared for, so do the things we choose to nurture. The reverse is also true—what you neglect will wither.
Consider your spiritual life. If you spend time in prayer, studying God’s Word, and worship, your faith deepens, your trust in God strengthens, and you become more attuned to His voice. But if you feed fear, doubt, or worldly desires, those things will grow instead, crowding out the peace and joy God intends for you.
This principle also applies to your thoughts. If you feed bitterness, resentment, or worry, they will grow until they consume you. However, if you choose to focus on gratitude, forgiveness, and God’s promises, those seeds will flourish, bringing light to your soul.
Think of relationships. When you invest time, love, and attention into others, those bonds grow stronger. Neglecting relationships, however, can lead to disconnection and distance.
God calls us to be intentional about what we feed. The seeds we plant and water today will determine the harvest of tomorrow.
Just as a poor diet affects our physical health, what we feed our spirits determines our spiritual health. Are you feeding your spirit with God’s Word, worship, and prayer? Or are you filling your life with things that fuel fear, jealousy, or distraction? Paul reminds us that spiritual growth requires moving beyond milk to solid food—investing in spiritual “nutrition” that will sustain and strengthen us.
Answer the following questions in your journal
1. What are you feeding in your life right now? Is it drawing you closer to God or further away?
2. Are there areas in your life where you’ve been neglecting growth? What can you do to change that today?
3. How can you actively sow seeds of faith, love, and peace in your daily life?
Identify one area in your life where you need to change your focus. Start feeding that area with time, prayer, or intentional effort, trusting God to bring growth.
Lord, help me to be intentional about what I feed in my life. Teach me to sow seeds that honor You and bring growth to my faith, relationships, and purpose. When I am tempted to feed things that harm me or lead me astray, remind me of Your truth and guide me back to You. May my life bear fruit that glorifies Your name. Amen.
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