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You Will Give an Account… So Steward your life well.

August 9, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



Matthew 25:19 New Living Translation

19 “After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to give an account of how they had used his money.


You will give an account for what you have done with what he has given you… So Steward your life well.

This parable is referring to when Jesus is going to come back and settle accounts with his servants. Notice it said the master came and called them to give an account of how they had used HIS money. I want you to notice it did not say the money he had given them. It said “his” money. 

A  kingdom of Earth minded person struggles remembering that nothing I have is mine. I am not an owner. I am a manager. I have a boss that I am going to answer to. A Kingdom of Heaven minded person understands that everything that I have I have been given by God, but it is still Gods. He will come back to settle accounts. What I did with what he gave me while on this Earth is going to matter. So, steward your life well, manage everything that he has given you well.

What is the takeaway today? 

Our lives are not our own. We are servants of the King. He has given all of us different amounts due to our abilities. If we steward what he gives us well, then he trusts us with more. If we do not steward it well, then even what we have will be taken away. When Jesus comes back to settle accounts we need to be ready because we are all going to have to give an account for our lives.


In your journal answer the following questions. What are you working for? Do you use your talents and resources to please God or do you focus on your own glory? Are you simply attempting to build your own names, or do you use your talents for an Audience of One? When Jesus comes back to settle His accounts what will you have to show?


Heavenly Father, 

May I always know that You are more concerned about what’s inside my heart than the outcomes of my work. May I live to glorify Your name through all I do, no matter how insignificant the world may tell me it is. Make me aware of opportunities to use my resources and talents for the glory of your kingdom. 

In Jesus’ name. Amen

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