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Building the Next Generation

December 20, 2024

Hey Clawson Family!



 2 Timothy 2:2 – “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”


In this powerful verse, the Apostle Paul writes to his protégé, Timothy, instructing him to pass on the teachings of the gospel to others who will be equipped to do the same. This verse speaks to us not only about the importance of teaching others but also about the responsibility we have in building up the next generation of believers.

1. The Importance of Passing on Truth

Paul’s message is clear: what we learn and receive should not be kept to ourselves. We are called to pass it on to others. The Christian faith is not just a personal journey; it’s a communal one. It’s a faith that thrives when shared, spread, and entrusted to others who will carry it forward.

As we build the next generation, we must ensure that they are grounded in the truth of God’s Word. This requires us to be intentional in teaching, mentoring, and guiding others so they can, in turn, teach others. Whether it’s through formal discipleship, one-on-one mentorship, or simply living out our faith in front of others, we have a responsibility to ensure that the truth is passed along.

2. Entrusting to Reliable People

Paul specifically talks about entrusting this truth to “reliable people.” This speaks to the quality of individuals we should invest in. Not everyone will be ready to handle the weight of the gospel and the responsibility of teaching others. As we work to build the next generation, we must be discerning about who we invest in.

Reliability is not just about trustworthiness; it’s about being teachable, committed, and passionate about carrying the message of Christ forward. We need to look for individuals who are not only willing to learn but also willing to teach. These are the leaders, teachers, and influencers who will shape the future of the Church.

3. The Multiplying Effect

Paul’s words to Timothy highlight a powerful principle: multiplication. When we train one person who is then able to teach others, we create a ripple effect that can have an exponential impact. It’s not just about reaching one generation; it’s about reaching many generations through one individual.

The goal is not just to pass knowledge but to equip others to become teachers themselves. We don’t want to raise a generation of passive believers who simply consume the Word; we want to raise up a generation of active, engaged disciples who will teach others what they have learned.

4. A Legacy of Faith

Building the next generation is about legacy. It’s about investing in the future, not just for our own sake but for the sake of those who come after us. Each generation has a responsibility to pass on the faith to the next. Paul himself had been discipled by others, and now he was passing the baton to Timothy. Timothy, in turn, was to disciple others, and so on.

As we consider our own role in building the next generation, let us reflect on the legacy we are creating. Are we faithfully passing on the truths of God’s Word to those who will carry it further? Are we intentionally discipling others, not just for today, but for the future?

5. Our Responsibility as Builders

Finally, building the next generation is not a passive endeavor; it requires active involvement. We must teach, mentor, model, and invest in the lives of others. It takes time, effort, and prayer. We must not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9).

As we look to the future, let’s take seriously our role in building up the next generation. We are part of a grand narrative that spans generations, and we have a unique opportunity to contribute to that story. Let us be faithful in passing on what we have received, knowing that the impact of our investment will echo through eternity.


Answer these questions in your journal:

1. Who are you currently investing in? How are you intentionally discipling the next generation?

2. What qualities do you look for in someone who will be entrusted with the gospel and leadership?

3. How can you multiply the impact of your own faith by teaching others to do the same?


Part of being in God’s family is mentoring and discipling the next generation. As you grow in your faith, look for opportunities to pass on what you’ve learned. How can you help someone take their next step in faith?

Lord, give me the wisdom to guide and strengthen others, especially the next generation of believers. Help me to model Your love and truth in my relationships. Amen.

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