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If You Steward What He Gives You Well, God Gives Us More to Steward
August 7, 2024
Hey Clawson Family!
Matthew 25:21 New Living Translation
21 “The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together![a]’
If you steward what he gives you well, God gives us more to steward. I have found this to be true in all things that He gives us. For a long time I struggled with stewarding my time well. I was not obedient to God. I did not take a sabbath day of rest like God tells us to. Because I did not steward my time well it seemed like I had no time for anything.
About 5 years ago, God really hit my pride. He told me, “Josh you realize I can do so much more with you in 6 days then you can do in 7 without my blessing right?” I immediately started taking a sabbath. I began to honor God with my time. The craziest thing happened, I miraculously had more time.
About 5 years ago my wife and I began to steward our finances like the bible tells us to steward our finances. We got out of debt, began saving for the future, started giving more, made plans to leave a legacy to our children and grandchildren. When we began to follow the biblical principles with our finances, our finances multiplied.
At Clawson, we are very intentional about stewarding our stuff, resources, and finances in a way to bless the community. And can I just say that because of that God continues to pour more into our laps. We have received donations of thousands of dollars worth of chicken from pilgrims, a whole 18 wheeler load of blankets, tons of produce, Milk, the dollar store gives us thousands of dollars of stuff a year. Why? If you steward what he gives you well, then God gives you more to steward.
Write in your journal ways that you could better steward the things that God has given you so that He can give you more.
Designate time this week to reflect on your gifts and passions. Engage in prayerful introspection, seeking God's guidance in identifying your talents. Ask yourself questions like, "What am I naturally good at?" and "What brings me joy and fulfillment?" Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal areas where you may have buried your talents out of fear or insecurity.
Spend time reading Romans 12:6-8 which encourages believers to use their gifts diligently for God’s purposes.
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