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Listen to God in How to Pray
May 15, 2024
Hey Clawson Family!
John 14: 23-27
23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
25 “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
The coolest thing happened when Jesus went to Heaven to be with the Father. The Bible says that He sent His Holy Spirit to the Earth to live in His people. What was the purpose of this? The purpose was to guide us in our lives. Empower us to be the moms, dads, Followers of Christ that He called us to be. And the way that we do that is by listening to His voice as He is guiding us.
When we spend time in prayer God will actually direct us in specific things to pray!
I mean don’t get me wrong there are things that you should pray over all of your kids. Salvation, God's Calling for them, that they would find the right spouse, health, protection, education, humility, and I could go on and on and on. But Moms and Dads if we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and listening for the direction of the Holy Spirit, God will prompt you at times to pray for specific things over your kids.
I would like to share a few testimonies from some moms that God specifically led them in prayer over their children.
One mom had a child in addiction. Anyone ever have to struggle with that? She had to make the difficult decision to remove him from her home and set boundaries in her life with him. He ended up on the streets and she lost contact with him. She prayed for him everyday. The Lord specifically told her to go on a water fast and pray for her son, she didn’t know why but she obeyed him. Anyone ever done a water fast before, you got to really be loving someone if you are going to fast and pray for them. Well about day 3 of doing this water fast she was about ready to throw in the towel. She had been fasting and praying for 3 days, and then she got a phone call to let her know that her son had went to jail 3 days earlier, and him getting incarcerated was the beginning of his road to recovery. I believe with all of my heart, God lead her to do what she did, and then he proved to her that he was the one leading her by the timing of the events. Thank you mom for your powerful prayers. They make a difference.
Kristi prays Lord watch over my kids, protect them, guide them in your light, give me wisdom and discernment when they go off path so I can guide them back. One night at 1 am the Lord wakes her up from a dead sleep and says go get our son. He was at a friend’s house. She gets up goes to the friends house. Sure enough they had snuck out! She was able to catch him in the act. You know what that does. It shows my son hey when you do stupid stuff you got a praying momma! The Lord will reveal it!
She prays everyday that our kids, especially our daughter who is adopted will find their identity in Christ. She prays for her to understand her adoption but not be defined by it. That she will know she was chosen and not rejected. We are open with her about her adoption and she’s now asking questions but I believe because of Kristi’s prayers Emilyn’s able to understand. She came home from school and told Kristi, well I had to teach people what being a mom really is. It’s not always the person that gave birth to you. That’s just a birth mom. Your real mom is the person that raises you, takes care of you and loves you every day. You are my mom! You chose me and love me! She’s getting it!
There is power in your prayers! Begin to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you so that you can pray with intention!
In your journal write down the main things you worry about in your life, if you have children write down the things you worry about in their lives also.
You are good. Please protect my children and deliver them from evil. Use them as a witness to their friends. May they grow strong and mighty in You filled with Your joy and compassion for others. Help me to hear your voice and follow your guidance. Instead of worrying about the things I can’t control, allow me to be lead by the prompting of the Holy Spirit on how I should pray!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Turn the worries you wrote in your journal into prayers today. Offer God thanks and praise for meeting the deepest needs in the children you are praying for and in your life.
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