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Physical Health
February 12, 2024
Hey Clawson family,
Happy Monday! I'm praying you have an amazing week! Here is your devotional for the day.
Romans 12:1
A Living Sacrifice to God
12 And so, dear brothers and sisters,[a] I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.[b]
God has given us a physical body and it’s our job to take care of it. Our physical health affects our emotional, mental and spiritual health. Paul tells us to give our body to God. He said our bodies should be a living sacrifice to the Lord. When you think about it, caring for our body is a form of worship.
Caring for our body is a way to demonstrate to God that we love Him. If you believe that God sent His only son Jesus to die for our sins, isn’t it only reasonable that we should care for the physical body that He gave us?
Caring for our body means taking care of our physical health. Being physically active, eating healthy, getting enough sleep and rest, being free from addictions are a few key ways we can maintain our physical health. The awesome thing about God is He never expects us to just know these things. Instead he gave us the Bible that spells out so many guidelines on how we are to go about doing this.
If you love God, and the Holy Spirit lives in you doesn’t it make sense to care for our body in the best way possible?
If you’re not taking really good care of the body God has given you, He can help you change that. If you make a decision to make the change and ask God to help you, then He will. He will help transform the areas of your life that you ask Him to. It’s a matter of believing, asking and surrendering.
Our physical bodies really do belong to God… and He wants us to take great care of them! So make healthy choices… with God’s help.
In your journal today thank God for giving you the body you have. Make the commitment today to take care of the body he has given you. Ask him to reveal to you things that you need to change.
Take an inventory of your physical health. Document the things that you you need to change and begin to make goals to become physically healthy.
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