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Protect your Family
June 20, 2024
Hey Clawson Family!
1 Peter 3:7 New King James Version
A Word to Husbands
7 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.
John 15:13 New Living Translation
13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
God created man and woman a little bit differently. This is why a man can get 400th in swimming against men and then identify as a woman and get first. This is nothing against women, but it is a fact that God built the man to work the field and the woman to nurture the home and have children.
Because of this, it is a man's job to protect his home and protect his family. My dad modeled this very well. I got some super funny stories about my dad attempting to protect us.
One time when I was a kid, in the middle of the night, my dad heard glass breaking in his bathroom. He thought someone was breaking into our home. He didn’t remember where his gun was and didn’t have time to think. My dad jumps out of bed in his whitey tighty underwear and runs towards the bathroom and yells, “Raaaaarrghh…. Get out of here!” Only to find out the mirror had fallen off the wall and the glass had broken everywhere.
Another funny one was one night, on Christmas Eve, he heard someone in the living room messing with the presents and again thought someone had broken into the house. This time, he had the gun and came in like a cop, ready to take out whoever was in there, only to find that my hamster got out of the cage and was running through the presents. He was going to protect his family or die trying.
Dads, this is how we should be with our families. Protecting them at all costs. Protecting them from the enemy... Physically and spiritually. Protecting them from the lies of the enemy. Protecting them from cultural mindsets that go against God. We have got to do all that we can to protect our families. Satan is after them, and it is our job to fight and die for them if we must.
Does your family see someone engaged in a spiritual battle that will protect them from the enemy? Or do they see someone who is passive about his faith, sitting on the sidelines? In your journal today, write down ways to ensure you are protecting your family from the enemy!
Search the Scriptures for promises for your family. Make a list, print it out, put it somewhere you’ll see it every day, and proclaim those promises. Begin activating God’s promises today! You can protect your family through prayer.
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