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Tips for a Healthy Marriage
June 14, 2024
Hey, Clawson Family!
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
New Living Translation
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
Here are some tips for keeping your marriage healthy!
1. Love Daily
When we love others, it goes way beyond feeling an emotion that makes us smile and feel tingly inside. The love God showed toward us is our guide in showing love toward others. Loving our spouse daily includes actively putting their needs above ours and honoring them even when we don’t feel like it. Some days, it’s easier to love our spouse, and some days, it’s a choice.
2. Shared Activity
One of the things that may have attracted you to your spouse is that they’re entirely different than you. Whether that’s the case or not, finding everyday activities will build your friendship and bond. Consider serving at church together. Maybe there’s a sport you could watch or an activity you could do. It’s not necessarily what you do, but you find a shared activity to enjoy together. If this isn’t something you’ve ever considered, spend time with your spouse and discuss different options.
3. Prioritize Your Spouse
In our world, there are a million different things vying for our time. We say yes to things that we probably shouldn’t have. When we do, our spouses are typically pushed to the back of the priority line. We assume they’ll understand, and they might, but consistently doing this will cause a rift that’ll be hard to overcome. So, choose your spouse over every other earthly relationship. Prioritize your time with them so they’ll feel valued, cherished, and loved. Take some time to ask your spouse this question: Do you feel like you’re my priority? Then, listen without defenses raised and be willing to make some changes.
4. Display Affection
Affection means a firm fondness, which can be displayed in various ways. We aren’t all created equal regarding our needs, so it’s wise to learn how your spouse receives and feels loved by you. It could be words, or it could be hugs. Maybe your spouse feels how fond you are of them when you do something for them because it shows they were on your mind. Have a conversation with your spouse about what makes them feel you are displaying affection toward them, and then make a daily plan to do just that. If you already know, what are you waiting for?
Write down in your journal the areas you need to improve in your marriage: Showing love daily, Sharing an activity, prioritizing your spouse, or displaying affection.
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