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Offense Births Bitterness
April 16, 2024
Hey Clawson Family,
Proverbs 18:19 New Living Translation
19 An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars.
It seems like our culture has embraced the spirit of offense. The USA was built on freedom. The very first amendment is the freedom of speech. Unfortunately, what we see is you are only free to say certain things; otherwise, you run the risk of being canceled.
If you teach the bible and truth, it is on the verge of being considered hate speech.
The issue is that the spirit of offense will eventually birth bitterness.
When we have offense in our lives, it slows us down from the future God has for us! Why? Because we are carrying a burden, a weight that we shouldn’t be. We can’t go to the places we are supposed to because our offense is too big.
Offense literally because a fence in our lives.. When we live offended, division and separation in the relationship are created.
That word offense in Greek is actually Scandalon, which is translated as trap. When we get offended, Satan is setting a trap. Satan knows that an offended heart births bitterness.
And if he can get us to pick up the offense, and you allow that offense to plant a seed of bitterness down in your heart. Then, we begin picking up more and more offenses and getting more and more bitter. We fall into this trap of offense, the cage of bitterness that is consuming and trapping our lives.
Bitterness is like a cancer that is killing us. A Silent destroyer. It takes our life away from us. It all starts with some form of Injustice. Someone did something that offended us. We fall into the trap and hold onto that offense. Then, we allow the roots of bitterness to begin to form in our lives. Today, let's stop the vicious cycle! Let go of the fence of offense! Drop it at the feet of Jesus.
Today in your journal, rate yourself. On a scale of 1–10, how easy is it for you to be offended? How do you typically let go of your offense? How effective is this?
Father, we need Your help and Your guidance so that we can stop being offended. We know that making a difference is more important than making a point. Thank You for Your endless grace. Please help us share Your grace with those around us.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Your offense and anger will justify your right to hold up the fence of offense. So practice being slow to anger and this week by dropping the
fence of offense and choosing to be loving instead.
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